Monday March 28, 2011 17:58
A couple of days ago we received this really encouraging email, and we wanted to share it, so that others might be encouraged too...
Just wanted you to know I received the gospel tracts yesterday. They were wonderful and I loved the message that was in each one. The first one I gave was to my grandaughter who is 12. Her favorite scripture has always been John 3:16 "For God so Loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have eternal life". The tracts will be such a blessing. My husband and I are going to the assisted living home for people who can not live by themselves but still have some independence. We went on March 19th and sang to the people there and were hoping to give them the gospel tracts. I'm not sure how many live at the Fairview home but I would guess about 30. My grandaughter and 2 other young kids are going to give the tracts out. Last time we went they went to the rooms and gave them Bibles. If you would be willing to send more tracts we will gladly help spread the gospel of our Lord. We've been serving the Lord all of our life. I can't imagine my world without God in it. Please keep us in prayer and again I thank you so much. Receiving the gospel tracts was my greatest blessing of the day.
I prayer God will continue to bless you in your wonderful ministry.
Today I received the tracts you sent to me on 28/07/2016. In our ministry we try to reach people in different ways, but usually on Saturday in London we do street evangelism, including singing, praying for people, giving away Bibles, leaflets etc. Your leaflets are really great and are very popular. Thank you very much.