A changed life in China

Saturday February 9, 2013 11:40

In a recent New Zealand Bible Society newletter, we read the following story (reproduced with permission from the Bible Society):

Xiong Jing was once a member of a triad gang. His life was full of criminal activity. But all that changed on the day he was handed a Gospel pamphlet on the street.

Even though Xiong Jing didn't understand what he was reading about, he began asking around his neighbours to see if any of them could help him. An elderly neighbour offered to take him to church the next Sunday. He agreed to go, and there he was given a Bible, which he took home to read. He began reading the Bible at the Gospel of Matthew. At first, Xiong Jing found it difficult to understand, but he persevered until he got as far as the Sermon on the Mount. At that moment he felt as if a lightning bolt had struck deep into his soul. It was almost as if he heard the voice of jesus. He read on and on, late into the night.

it was from that point on that Xiong Jing's life began to change in dramatic ways that soon became noticeable in his home and neighbourhood. He began attending church regularly, and it soon became clear that his life had been transformed from gang-centred to Christ-centred.

So, from the tiny seed of a Gospel tract sown on the street that day, there blossomed an interest in knowing about God, Jesus Christ and the way of salvation.This  then led to a life transformed through the saving power of the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Who knows what effect simply giving a tract to someone may have in your neighbourhood!