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» Impact of Covid-19 on our ministry

» Book review: Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian life by Donald Whitney

» Book review:Authority by Dr D Martyn Lloyd-Jones

» Book Review: Worship: The Ultimate Priority by John MacArthur

» Book review: The Battle Belongs to the Lord by K. Scott Oliphint

» Book review: Tell the Truth by Will Metzger

» Biography of Martyn Lloyd-Jones vols. 1 & 2 by Iain Murray

» Book Review: Spurgeons Sermons

» Book Review: The plight of man and the power of God by Dr D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

» Recycling tracts!

» A changed life in China

» On the streets

» 84-year-old Brazilian lady evangelizing in New York

» A great encouragement

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Impact of Covid-19 on our ministry

Monday March 28, 2022 09:20

We want to let you now that Covid-19 is still having a huge impact on our ministry and our abiklity to send tracts to a number of countries. We suggest that you contact us at in the first instance to see if it is possible to send tracts and the quantity that we can provide. Postage costs have increased signoificantly, and this limits the number of tracts that we can send. We have also seen very long delays in delivery as well. 

Book review: Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian life by Donald Whitney

Monday March 28, 2022 09:18

Here is another book review by our friend, Stephen Smith

Whitney, Donald S. (1991) Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life. Colorado Springs, CO: NavPress. 266p


Reviewed by Stephen Smith


This classic work is all about implementing wise spiritual disciplines into ones Christian life. It is based around the teaching of 1 Tim 4:7 “discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness” [NASB]. Each chapter is devoted to a specific spiritual discipline and includes biblical teaching on that discipline as well as practical application.


Two chapters are devoted to Bible intake. These include bible reading (including advice on a good Bible reading plan), memorisation of scripture and meditation. The section on meditation is especially helpful as this is an area often not addressed in modern Christian churches. Whitney states that Meditation involves deep thinking on the truths and spiritual realities of scripture.


The book goes on to explain the importance of prayer for the Christian life. Just as scripture memorisation enhances meditation, so meditation enhances prayer. Letting scriptural principles flow through the mind helps one to pray effectively.


Next, worship is discussed. Worship is focusing on and responding to God. John 4 emphasises that it must be done in spirit and in truth.


Other spiritual disciplines discussed include evangelism, serving others, stewardship of time and money, fasting, silence and solitude, and journaling (to record thoughts on your personal walk with God). Whitney emphasises the fact that these disciplines are to help with spiritual growth – thus they should not be seen as legalistic duties.


Whitney has written a sequel to this book “Simplify your Spiritual Life” (also published by NavPress). This book includes some of the above disciplines but often discusses them from a slightly different angle. For example, it gives some new insights and tools for scriptural meditation.


Simplify your Spiritual Life also contains new material. This includes advice on singing hymns, getting a spiritually wise person to help in your Christian walk, using the Lord ’s Day to enhance your spiritual life and how to use modern technology wisely.


This reviewer suggests that, because of the complementary nature of both books, they should be read together. May they be a helpful tool to “discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness” 1 Tim 4:7.


The author has a website with useful material


Book review:Authority by Dr D Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Monday March 28, 2022 09:18

Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn. (1997) Authority. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth. 94p


Reviewed by Stephen Smith


Dr Lloyd-Jones is widely regarded as one of the twentieth century’s greatest expository preachers. All his books are transcripts of his sermons or lectures. This book, Authority, is based on three lectures he gave to a student conference in Canada in 1957.


This issue of authority is important because man is constantly searching for ultimate truth – ultimate authority. Humans do this through various religions and cults, and philosophy and reason. However, one cannot arrive at this ultimate knowledge by ones own efforts. The apostle Paul stated that the world did not know God through wisdom (1 Corinthians 1:21). Lloyd-Jones adds “the world by wisdom still does not know God!” (P12 Emphasis by Lloyd-Jones).


The three lectures cover the following topics:

  • The Authority of Jesus Christ
  • The Authority of the Scriptures
  • The Authority of the Holy Spirit


The New Testament shows a clear witness to Christ’s authority. The gospels show the authority of our Lord in His baptism where the Holy Spirit descends upon Christ and a voice from heaven says “This is my beloved Son”. (Matthew 3:17). Similar words are uttered at the Transfiguration, but an extra note of authority is sounded “listen to Him” (Matthew 17:5). Christ claims to be “the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6). Christ also demonstrated His authority in His death, resurrection and ascension.


The Scriptures themselves attest to their own authority. Our Lord accepted the authority of the Old Testament  and testified that they spoke of Him (Luke 24:44). Although there are many arguments that verify the authority of the scriptures, in the final analysis the truths of the Scripture are spiritually discerned (1 Corinthians 2:14). It is the preached word and the work of the Spirit that ultimately convinces a person of the authority of Holy Scripture.


Dr Lloyd-Jones explains how the authority of the Holy Spirit shows itself in the life of our Lord. God gave Christ the Spirit in complete fullness for the task (John 3:34). Next, Dr Lloyd-Jones explains how the Holy Spirit shows authority in the life of the believer. The Holy Spirit alone can open the heart and enable one to receive truth. He then gives understanding and assurance to the true believer. Finally, Dr Lloyd-Jones teaches on the work of the Spirit in the church and especially the importance of revival.  


This is a very helpful small book. It is especially helpful as an aid to defend the faith while evangelising or to strengthen the faith of a believer.

Book Review: Worship: The Ultimate Priority by John MacArthur

Monday March 28, 2022 09:18

MacArthur, John. (2012) Worship: The Ultimate Priority. Chicago, IL: Moody. 211p


Reviewed by Stephen Smith


John MacArthur has been a faithful minister of Christ’s church for many years. Hence, when he writes a book on an important subject such as worship one knows it will be spiritually edifying! Indeed, this is a very helpful book. This book was originally published in 1983 but has been recently revised with an extra chapter and an appendix added.


The major theme that runs through this book is that God must be worshipped in the way prescribed by Holy Scripture. Idolatry is an ever present danger. Scripture alone determines the way and manner in which a sinner should approach God, and worship Him. MacArthur argues that this is why a church should have a Biblical expository preaching ministry. The scriptures must be preached (2 Timothy 4:2). Genuine worship is a response to divine truth that God has revealed about Himself.


An important aspect of worshipping God correctly is understanding His attributes. God is unchanging and all-powerful. He has infinite wisdom. God also is holy. MacArthur helpfully applies the teaching on God’s holiness to worship by stating that one “needs to return to the biblical teaching on God’s utter and awesome holiness in order to be filled with the gratitude and humility that characterises true worship.” (p121)


This book also contains some helpful insights on how to worship the members of the Trinity itself. MacArthur writes “Trinitarian doctrine is essential to true worship. Within the Trinity each member has a unique ministry. The Holy Spirit calls us to the Son, and the Son calls us to the Father. Thus in a sense our worship involves all members of the trinity and all are worthy to be worshipped.” (p151)


The book includes with some insights on how to glorify God. Psalm 100 reminds us that God has made us and we are His. God made everything to give Him glory.


The appendix is a plea to promote content, truth-focused Psalms, hymns and spiritual songs in the church.


There is a study guide for this book at


All in all this is a very helpful book. It reminds us that we cannot worship God on our own devices but God is to be worshipped as He commands – as revealed in the Scriptures. May this book help to that end. 

Book review: The Battle Belongs to the Lord by K. Scott Oliphint

Monday March 28, 2022 09:18

Oliphint, K. Scott. (2003) The battle belongs to the Lord. Phillipsburg, NJ: P&R Publishing 206p


The purpose of this book is to demonstrate the power of scripture in defending the Christian faith. In the introduction, Oliphint quotes 1 Samuel 17:47 to remind us that when we witness to people and defend the faith, the battle ultimately is the Lords.


There is a spiritual battle going on the defence of the faith. There is no neutral ground. We must fight this battle with God’s weapons – the revealed Word of God and in the power of the Holy Spirit. This must be done in the meekness and gentleness of Christ Himself.


Oliphint continues with a helpful discussion of Romans 1:18-21 and shows its important implication for apologetics. Paul makes it clear that all humanity knows God but they suppress this knowledge by their sin. This is an important apologetic insight. When we defend the faith, we speak to people who are not ignorant of our God. Paul says in this passage that God’s attributes are clearly seen. Psalm 19 tells us that the heavens declare the glory of God ad the sky proclaims His handiwork. Therefore we know from scripture that the unbeliever puts on a mask (sin) to hide the truth God has revealed to him in creation.


Hence we must use persuasion. Because humans are made in the image of God, there is truth within him that God has graciously given him. We appeal to that truth the unbeliever already knows. This can lead into a clear gospel presentation. Oliphint includes a helpful discussion on how Paul used persuasion when preaching to the pagans in Acts 17.


The book contains two appendixes:

  • Appendix 1 shows the relationship between apologetics and the Holy Spirit. Oliphint writes, “The Holy Spirit is, in the end, the apologist. As we meet the challenges that come, He glorifies Christ by taking His Word, as we speak, and convicting some of sin, righteousness, and judgement. He speaks in that Word, and, when He sees fit, He testifies to the hearts of some, who then turn and follow Christ – and join His battle!” 
  • Appendix 2 is a list of scripture passages that give valuable insight into apologetics.


The book includes study questions at the end of each chapter making it ideal for group or personal study. There are also helpful insights throughout the book showing how to link apologetics with evangelism.


This is a fine introduction to Christian apologetics. 

Book review: Tell the Truth by Will Metzger

Monday March 28, 2022 09:18

Metzger, Will. (2012; 4 Ed) Tell the Truth. Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press. 300p


Reviewed by Stephen Smith


Tell the Truth is one of the most comprehensive and biblically faithful books on personal evangelism known to this reviewer. The book places a heavy emphasis on the truth and message of the gospel. The reason for this is that so much that passes for the gospel today is a watered down message that does little good. Therefore, for the eternal good of the souls we reach, we need to know the full gospel to be effective as servants of Christ.


Part 1 of the book discusses the content of the message. The scriptures warn us that we must be aware of a false profession of faith as well as true saving faith. For example, the parable of the sower (Matthew 13:1-23) teaches that it is possible for the gospel seed to land on stony ground and thus not be true saving faith. There is a danger of people thinking they are Christians when they are not! Biblical evangelism involves the whole person – mind, emotions and will. Truth must first come to the mind, which will touch the emotions and set the heart on fire.


Part 2 discusses the biblical concept of grace and why it is crucial for evangelism. Metzger helpfully discusses Ephesians 2:4-5,8-9 which teaches that because of His great love for us, God who is rich in mercy made His people alive and saved them by grace. God’s sovereign will empowers the dead will of sinners and gives them a new heart. This part concludes with a helpful chapter on worship. A personal encounter with the living God will be an encounter to love and adoration – to worship.


Part 3 looks at how to witness. Some helpful advice is given on how to evangelise in a post-modern world. There is such a thing as absolute truth – the truth of God’s revealed word - even if that statement is intolerant. Metzger emphasises that we must proclaim the gospel to post moderns with love. Love overcomes accusations of intolerance. Then, some helpful advice is given on how to build relationships with people and develop common interests with the goal of making disciples.


The book has three appendixes:

  • Training materials for learning God-centred evangelism
  • A specific gospel presentation tool which can be used to share the gospel
  • Study guide for individuals and groups


All in all this is a very helpful tool. It pays to read the appendixes alongside the main material in the book to gain full benefit of the books teaching.

Biography of Martyn Lloyd-Jones vols. 1 & 2 by Iain Murray

Monday March 28, 2022 09:18

Murray, Iain. H.. (1982) D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones: The First Forty Years. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth. 394p  and


Murray, Iain. H.. (1990) D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones: The Fight of Faith. Edinburgh: Banner of Truth 831 


Reviewed by Stephen Smith


These two volumes constitute the authorised biography of one of the greatest leaders of the church.


Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones was born in Cardiff, Wales in 1899. He trained at St Bartholomew’s Hospital – one of the greatest medical institutions in Britain. He studied under Sir Thomas Horder – one of the most brilliant medical men at St Bartholomew’s.


As a young man, Dr Lloyd-Jones came under the conviction of sin and saw his need of a Saviour. Although a brilliant medical man, he saw that mans real problem was spiritual not medical. Man needs to be reconciled to God. The conviction of Dr Lloyd-Jones that mans major problem is spiritual led to a major decision – he would leave medicine with all its privileges and honour and become a preacher of the gospel.


His first pastorate was in the poverty-stricken town of Port Talbot, Wales in 1927. The same year he married Bethan Phillips – herself a medically qualified professional. God greatly blessed this ministry in Port Talbot and many were brought to faith in Christ. The biography details many amazing conversions from drunkenness, profanity and the like.


In 1938 Dr Lloyd-Jones became minister of Westminster Chapel in London alongside Campbell Morgan.


Volume 2 “The fight of faith” continues the story. World War 2 created trying circumstances for the ministry at Westminster Chapel. Reduced church numbers and reduced church funds meant it was difficult to sustain two ministers. Eventually Campbell Morgan retired and Dr Lloyd-Jones became the sole minister until 1968.


After World War 2, Dr Lloyd-Jones main priority was to build up the congregation at Westminster Chapel. He did this through doctrinal and expository preaching. He upheld the authority of the Bible believing it is “living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword” (Heb 4:12).


Dr Lloyd-Jones also ran a Friday evening fellowship where he encouraged people to carefully think through doctrine and also practical aspects of Christianity. However in 1952 he changed the format and gave a series of lectures on Bible doctrines which were a blessing to many. These lectures have been formatted into a book “Great Doctrines of the Bible” (Crossway Books) which are highly recommended. He followed this with his powerful lectures on the book of Romans.


Chapter 13, Sunday mornings in the 1950’s gives an insight into how   Dr Lloyd-Jones led the worship services. Dr Lloyd-Jones used a traditional Reformed liturgy which gave coherence to the whole service. Scripture readings, prayers and hymns were just as important as the preaching of the scriptures.


In 1959 Dr Lloyd-Jones preached his classic services on Revival. He held to the classic view of Revival, namely that Revival is a sovereign work of the Holy Spirit, not something created or “worked up” by man.


Dr Lloyd-Jones retired as minister at Westminster Chapel and carried on an itinerant pastoral and preaching ministry until 1980. He died in London in 1980 and was buried in his beloved Wales.


The final chapter, “the best of men” summarises the significance of Dr Lloyd-Jones as a man and also why his ministry was so effective. He was a very gifted man with a mind of enormous capacity and energy. Often men see issues in fragmented parts but Dr Lloyd-Jones was often able to see the whole and put details in their proper perspective. Divine providence also guided him so that he continued to promote the sovereignty of God in his ministry and steer people away from error. Finally and very importantly, Dr Lloyd-Jones was a spiritually mature and godly man – indeed a spiritual giant.


The book contains 6 appendices containing various theological issues plus guidance on reading Dr Lloyd-Jones sermons.


This is an outstanding biography and will have a tremendous blessing on the readers theological and spiritual understanding. To get maximum benefit from it, one should read it multiple times. It is worth it!! Dr Lloyd-Jones sermons are highly recommended and can be found at the Martyn Lloyd-Jones Recordings Trust – the official website for the Doctor’s sermons

Book Review: Spurgeons Sermons

Monday March 28, 2022 09:18

Spurgeon, Charles. H. (2011/1883) Spurgeon’s Sermons. Massachusetts: Hendrickson. 5 volumes.


Reviewed by Stephen Smith


Charles Spurgeon was, without question, the greatest preacher in the 19th century church and still widely regarded as one of the greatest Christian preachers of all time. This set of sermons was originally published in 10 volumes by a New York Publisher in 1883. The present Hendrickson reprint has conveniently reprinted the 10 volumes in 5, making this a nice collection of some of the classic Spurgeon sermons. The full set of Spurgeon’s sermons numbers over 60 volumes. If one wants to read the best of Spurgeon’s sermons without the big job of reading 60 plus volumes, this is the ideal set to have.


Spurgeon was a ‘topical’ preacher rather than an ‘expository’ preacher. Therefore this set contains a vast array of biblical topics rather than an exposition of specific passages of scripture. That said, Spurgeon was also a doctrinal preacher so each preached sermon is rich in biblical truth, doctrine and practical application to the Christian life. The reader will find a rich discussion of many biblical truths. Spurgeon excelled in bringing the truth of the scriptures alive to the Christian.


Most of these sermons appear to be in the earlier years of Spurgeon’s ministry – roughly the period 1850-1860. The American publishers selected the “cream of the crop” of his many sermons which add to their value.


The final volume includes a scripture and topic index.


I highly recommend these volumes. They are a fine introduction to Spurgeon’s sermons and his theology. More information on Spurgeon can be found at the official website


Book Review: The plight of man and the power of God by Dr D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones

Monday March 28, 2022 09:18

Lloyd-Jones, D. Martyn. (1997) The Plight of man and the power of God. Ross-shire: Christian Focus. 119p

 Reviewed by Stephen Smith

 Dr Lloyd-Jones is widely regarded as one of the twentieth century’s greatest expository preachers. All his books are transcripts of his sermons or lectures. This book is based on five sermons he gave in Edinburgh, Scotland in 1941. Dr Lloyd-Jones gave these sermons soon after the start of World War 2 where the whole question of evil, sin and the plight of man were hot issues.

 He bases his sermons on Romans 1:16-21,28 and verse 32. This is the classic passage regarding the sinfulness of man and why the gospel is the answer.

 Dr Lloyd-Jones first makes the most of his medical training and argues that a superficial diagnosis never helps the patient; in fact it is harmful. During World War 2 academics were suggesting many reasons for the obvious evil of the war but constantly made superficial diagnoses. Dr Lloyd-Jones got to the heart of the issue and showed that mans nature is sinful. This is the disease that needs curing.

 Romans 1:18 teaches that the wrath of God is revealed from heaven because of sin. God is light and in Him is no darkness at all. God’s justice, holiness and righteousness demand His hatred of sin.

However there is hope. There is salvation for sinners in the person and work of the Lord Jesus Christ. The gospel is the power of God to salvation. God has dealt with sin through the person and work of Jesus Christ. In Christ the demands of holiness and justice have been satisfied. God in Christ offers pardon and forgiveness.

 Dr Lloyd-Jones helpfully summarises the core issue. “There is no hope for man in himself. He must be brought back to God and this is exactly the purpose of the Christian gospel. The gospel is the power of God unto salvation. Sin will not have the last word for the living God is in control.”

 This book has two particular uses. It is a helpful book to clarify the truths of the gospel in the readers mind. Further, its clear gospel message makes it an ideal book for personal evangelism. Highly recommended. 

Recycling tracts!

Monday March 28, 2022 09:16

We recently had some interesting news from London. A friend wrote the following email: "Some months ago, I saw some of your tracts in my area, picked them up from the street and redistributed them". God's word  never returns void, and our tracts can used time and time again!

A changed life in China

Saturday February 9, 2013 11:40

In a recent New Zealand Bible Society newletter, we read the following story (reproduced with permission from the Bible Society):

Xiong Jing was once a member of a triad gang. His life was full of criminal activity. But all that changed on the day he was handed a Gospel pamphlet on the street.

Even though Xiong Jing didn't understand what he was reading about, he began asking around his neighbours to see if any of them could help him. An elderly neighbour offered to take him to church the next Sunday. He agreed to go, and there he was given a Bible, which he took home to read. He began reading the Bible at the Gospel of Matthew. At first, Xiong Jing found it difficult to understand, but he persevered until he got as far as the Sermon on the Mount. At that moment he felt as if a lightning bolt had struck deep into his soul. It was almost as if he heard the voice of jesus. He read on and on, late into the night.

it was from that point on that Xiong Jing's life began to change in dramatic ways that soon became noticeable in his home and neighbourhood. He began attending church regularly, and it soon became clear that his life had been transformed from gang-centred to Christ-centred.

So, from the tiny seed of a Gospel tract sown on the street that day, there blossomed an interest in knowing about God, Jesus Christ and the way of salvation.This  then led to a life transformed through the saving power of the good news of salvation through Jesus Christ.

Who knows what effect simply giving a tract to someone may have in your neighbourhood!

On the streets

Monday May 21, 2012 19:31

Recently, Trevor went to one of our local shopping centres to talk to people and hand out tracts. He had a blessed time.

Trevor and tracts

84-year-old Brazilian lady evangelizing in New York

Friday November 11, 2011 20:47

See this story  on Christian World News about an elderly Brazilian lady who has been evangelising in New York for the last 40 years by handing out tracts and talking to people. 

A great encouragement

Monday March 28, 2011 17:58

A couple of days ago we received this really encouraging email, and we wanted to share it, so that others might be encouraged too...

Just wanted you to know I received the gospel tracts yesterday.  They were wonderful and I loved the message that was in each one.  The first one I gave was to my grandaughter who is 12.  Her favorite scripture has always been John 3:16 "For God so Loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish but have eternal life".  The tracts will be such a blessing.  My husband and I are going to the assisted living home for people who can not live by themselves but still have some independence.  We went on March 19th and sang to the people there and were hoping to give them the gospel tracts.  I'm not sure how many live at the Fairview home but I would guess about 30.   My grandaughter and 2 other young kids are going to give the tracts out.  Last time we went they went to the rooms and gave them Bibles.  If you would be willing to send more tracts we will gladly help spread the gospel of our Lord.  We've been serving the Lord all of our life.  I can't imagine my world without God in it.  Please keep us in prayer and again I thank you so much.  Receiving the gospel tracts was my greatest blessing of the day.
I prayer God will continue to bless you in your wonderful ministry.

Today I received the tracts you sent to me on 28/07/2016. In our ministry we try to reach people in different ways, but usually on Saturday in London we do street evangelism, including singing, praying for people, giving away Bibles, leaflets etc. Your leaflets are really great and are very popular. Thank you very much.
